Hello All,
Let us talk about gratitude today because rarely was anyone who was not grateful successful.
Google defines gratitude as
the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.
I prefer to focus more on 'being thankful'. Sometimes being bothered about those pressing issues which in all honesty need attention and cannot be overlooked, we forget to be thankful and it is not that we intend it but there is barely any time to be thankful/ count our blessings when we spend the whole day responding to the challenges, trying hard to have more things to be thankful for.
I once heard a joke about someone being so poor, they could not pay their rent and their neighbor being poorer because he could not even pay attention.
There is another joke about a fellow who complained he did not have enough space in his room to change clothes until he met this guy who had to leave his house in order to 'change' his mind.
These jokes may be funny but they hold some form of truth. No matter how bad your situation is, truth is 'it could be worse' so there is always something to be grateful for.