Hello all,
I have been blogging a lot about pregnancy recently and it has been educative and fun.
I have also decided to mix it up henceforth even though you like my stories and experiences. For today, just take inspiration also hidden in the beauty of the pregnancy experience... 'you are never really too weak or small to birth a wonderful thing'.
It does not matter whether it is a human or an idea, you are never really unequipped. You may be unprepared but never unequipped.
I remember before my son that I was so scared of pregnancy (not anymore, duh! Hehehe)... infact I felt sorry for all the pregnant women I met and considered myself as having a phobia for pregnancy.
I know what some of you are thinking, 'why get married?' 'Is it possible this type of fear exists?'
To answer the last question, YES! & it is pretty common, I wish more people will testify :-)
The purpose for today's post is to make you see that no matter how tough, rough, painfilled & scary that GOOD & LEGAL endeavour of yours is, take the first step & then endure the waiting, commitment & hardwork stage, success & result awaits you.
Enough said,
I love you.