Thursday, 8 August 2013

DEAFNESS: The second key to success

In the land of animals at a time when the lion was king and the animals could talk, it was a time humans hunted by digging very deep holes and covering them with leaves waiting for animals to show up. There was a day when two good friends Mr Antelope and Mr Hare fell into one of such pits in the boundary between the abode of the humans and the animals.
The antelope and hare realizing they had fallen into a trap which may well mean the end of life decided to do all in their power to get out of the trap. They cried out and called out to other animals and asked for help. Sure enough, the animals all gathered round but could do nothing for the pit/trap was so deep and no one would risk falling in themselves.

The hare and antelope decided to give it their all and try to jump out of the pit, they began to jump, they jumped higher and higher each time but never jumped high enough to come out of the pit, for 1 hour they tried harder and gradually they began to lose strength and became weak and tired. After 3 hours they were oblivious to what the other was doing and were frantically jumping for their live. By this time the whole animal kingdom had gathered together and began to shout. As they shouted the Hare jumped higher, the more the hare jumped higher, the more they shouted.
After another 30 minutes just before the farmer came back and the animals scattered in different directions, the hare succeeded in jumping out.
The next day at the animal town celebration for the survival, it was learned they had lost Mr Antelope. A group of animals asked Mr Hare how he managed to give up despite the advice from most of the animals who were shouting to him saying he should give up jumping himself to death and die a dignified death at the hand of man who may not kill him after all.

The Hare’s answer shocked everyone: Oh, was that what went on? I was tired hungry and had stopped hearing anything clearly. I thought everyone was encouraging me on. Asking me to try some more. I ought to thank you all for it was the ‘cheering’ that encouraged me to try until I came out.

This story brings me to my next key to success which is deafness to praise singers and critics.

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