Thursday, 9 January 2014


Hello everyone,

I have been AWOL for a few days now. It is worth mentioning that in that time I added another degree to my basket and I am now a finance guru. Thank you for your patience during that period.

The topic for today cannot be exhausted in one day so I will begin to tell you about these set of people you should be knowledgeable about (especially if you want to be successful without any major distractions/ challenges.)

Who is a friend?
The simplest definition I could find from 'the free' says someone who is known, liked and trusted.
If a person is unknown, not liked or not trusted, that person cannot be a friend.

The above means that what makes the subject of our discourse particularly 'a problem' is that they are friends (i.e known, liked and trusted).

Who are unfriendly friends?
These are people who do not deserve to be known, liked or trusted by another but by the orchestration of their selfish desires and needs they have worked their way into the hearts of unsuspecting fellows. These types do more harm than good and are good at pretending they are friends until they have wrecked their havoc.

Why is our chat important?
There is an inverse relationship between your goal (where you want to be) and unfriendly friends and taking the time to identify them and handle them is very important (I did not say get rid of them because you cant).

At this point I will ask you to stay with me for the next one or two days for us to find out how to navigate through unfriendly friends and not get badly bruised... till tomorrow, remember I love you all and you can always 'holla' at

Love you,

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