Thursday, 27 February 2014

FORGIVENESS : A quality of champions

Today's inspiration is aptly titled forgiveness: a quality of champions

What is forgiveness? According to Pearl, forgiveness is being hurt/wronged but choosing to let go of the hurt/ wrong.
It is possible to hurt ourselves and somebody else, hence it is not uncommon to hear people encourage us to forgive ourselves.

Let me also state that 'NO ONE' has the power to change you/your character by hurting or wronging you, you alone have such power.

Permit me to add that all your past experiences whether positive or negative have combined to make you the you, you currently are but yet nothing in your past is half as strong as the will in your present. If you read the previous sentence again you will find that if you do not hate 'YOU' right now then you should be grateful to all the people and experience that were unpleasant. More importantly, Even if you hate you right now, the power to change is in your hand.

Now to the reason why I have chosen this topic to address:
We may have that one friend (maybe more) who holds a resentment for you OR who you hold a resentment against. It may have been in how he/she looked at you, talked to you, berated you, dumped you, tricked you, betrayed you and may be left you for dead. (feel free to switch the he/she for you & vice versa)

What we find is that the offended party consciously tries to keep the offender around for long enough to design a sumptuous table in the presence of him/her, only for them to get frustrated when it is taking longer for the table to get set.

What happens next? ... Find out more about Forgiveness tomorrow, ruminate on the above and let me put the icing on this forgiveness cake tomorrow

Love you,

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