Thursday, 5 July 2018


Let me tell you a story about a time in my senior secondary school F. G. G. C. Benin, when students will cheat, some by asking others in the examination hall; other by hiding their notes on them and using the notes.
I refused to cheat and always told my classmates that I will report them if I saw them with their notes because I could not be competing with the class teacher' notes.
Initially, my classmates kicked against what I was saying. They labelled me a sadist and one day we had an argument about it in class, the whole class was against me but I stood my ground and told them I will report any note carrying student I see to the teacher during exams.

Even though I do not advice you to be as brazen as your mum when confronting wrong doing because the world has gone south (Imagine the news I heard the other day of a pupil who tried to poison his fellow pupil just because she fared better academically). I advise you instead to stand your ground and not waver on issues you are sure of.
Back to my story, many years later, one of my classmates who was very vocal against my decision, became my friend and told me on one occasion that the thing she loved most about me was my ability to 'stand on my stand' even when the whole class was against me.
Do not put the approval of your peers above your mental, physical and spiritual well-being.
Take a stand my daughter and stand on your stand except you are wrong.
Listen to your elders, but because your elders too can be wrong, rely on the guidance of God to take your final decision. Let your elders tell you what they have to say, then weigh it against good sense and reasoning.
My daughter, Never be afraid to stand alone.


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