Friday, 4 July 2014



Welcome. I have been missing in action, this was occasioned by the need to sort out other areas of life. I am back and I am glad to bring constant wonderful inspiration your way once again. Today, I take time to remind you of three important qualities of anyone who was successful.

I have decided on this topic because recently, I have seen the importance of these qualities, I will explain in a bit. Permit me to encourage you to visit my youtube channel 'Pearl Okoli' if you want to see a funny side to me.

I would also like to reference three earlier write ups that are summarized in today's post. They are: DEAFNESS, Selective DUMBNESS and VISION. (you may need to click on the highlighted words to read them).

1.) Selective Deafness: This quality makes you realize that 'praise' is synonymous with 'criticism' and both should be ignored.

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

5 ways to make yourself findable

Yep, I did this a while back. It features my friend Tee kay in the background.
it is wonderful & honest, you should see it.

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

These lovely ladies made my day... My wedding day, I mean

Kate said you aint seen nothing, so I said 'bring it on!'... so the next 4 pictures are Kate's handiwork. Its a pity I did not take pictures of the nails she fixed for me too
View more here... 

Tuesday, 15 April 2014


Hello All,

Let us talk about gratitude today because rarely was anyone who was not grateful successful.
Google defines gratitude as the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

I prefer to focus more on 'being thankful'. Sometimes being bothered about those pressing issues which in all honesty need attention and cannot be overlooked, we forget to be thankful and it is not that we intend it but there is barely any time to be thankful/ count our blessings when we spend the whole day responding to the challenges, trying hard to have more things to be thankful for.

I once heard a joke about someone being so poor, they could not pay their rent and their neighbor being poorer because he could not even pay attention.

There is another joke about a fellow who complained he did not have enough space in his room to change clothes until he met this guy who had to leave his house in order to 'change' his mind.
These jokes may be funny but they hold some form of truth. No matter how bad your situation is, truth is 'it could be worse' so there is always something to be grateful for.


Monday, 31 March 2014


The beauty of marriage is not in how beautiful the day of the wedding is but how beautiful the marriage after is. It is important to be sure you get the 'best suited' person for you. As people who have limitations and can be easily blindsided to important details, it is important to have someone else help you confirm that you have made the right choice.

Saturday, 29 March 2014


The story begins this morning Jan. 18... for some others who understand it began a day before.

My ride & live chic with my mother helped me out with planning all this while I was busy with school work and big ups to the B-side (Benin city) connection. My makeup was done by my Ehi (Zoe).

Thursday, 20 March 2014

When life hands you lemons Part2

Hello All,

Let me in a few words say that no matter the situation you find yourself, there have been people in your shoes and some in worse shoes. The most important thing is that they came out of whatever situations they found unpleasant.

No doubt life can hand you lemons or sour grapes but your ability to make lemonade or whatever juice that people crave is success.

I hope the message has been sent, I thought of adding stories but it is plain truth enough. Go ahead find out what 'rod' you have in your hand so it can be turned to 'a snake'.

Love you,

Thursday, 13 March 2014


Like my friend Vicky says... When life hands you lemons, make lemonade.

Hello all,
I want you to think on the above, find out how you could change whatever unpleasant situation you have to an advantage.

More flesh coming tomorrow.
Love you,

Friday, 28 February 2014


As we started to discuss yesterday, forgiveness is letting go of hurt or wrong.

We also said it was easy to find someone who feels hurt or offended deliberately keeping the offender around in a bid to show off how well they are doing even while wronged. It becomes a deliberate attempt to pay back by doing better. This is a miserable experiment doomed to fail from the start and at worst inflict further injuries on the offended party.

Why get hurt twice?
Everything will not go wrong with a person simply because they offended you. It will not also all turn out right because you were offended and you feel karma should swing into action.

The Cure: What do champions know?
A person who has hurt you (no matter how deeply) will forget about it sooner than the one who has been offended. The Offender will have more time to ruminate on making other plans and have a 'no heart ache' bonus but the offended party will constantly have the offence in sight waiting for the right moment to pay back or for the law of karma to take effect so they can smile and say 'got ya'.

Karma is a lady, she takes her time to prepare. The more you pester her, the less interested she becomes.
When you put on your swag by forgiving the offender, you look cool and boy! does she dig cool!

It affords you the opportunity to move on with your life not being tied to one event or a series of events and become the best you can be (and NO, not because you are comparing yourself with someone small enough to have hurt you BUT because there is enough soaring space in your head & heart).

If are religious, it saves you from disobeying one commands of our faith and positions you for good.
(As an aside, I wonder who could possibly offend Albert Eistein, Aristotle, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela & Bill Gates enough to hold in their heart without forgiveness)


Thursday, 27 February 2014

FORGIVENESS : A quality of champions

Today's inspiration is aptly titled forgiveness: a quality of champions

What is forgiveness? According to Pearl, forgiveness is being hurt/wronged but choosing to let go of the hurt/ wrong.
It is possible to hurt ourselves and somebody else, hence it is not uncommon to hear people encourage us to forgive ourselves.

Let me also state that 'NO ONE' has the power to change you/your character by hurting or wronging you, you alone have such power.

Permit me to add that all your past experiences whether positive or negative have combined to make you the you, you currently are but yet nothing in your past is half as strong as the will in your present. If you read the previous sentence again you will find that if you do not hate 'YOU' right now then you should be grateful to all the people and experience that were unpleasant. More importantly, Even if you hate you right now, the power to change is in your hand.

Now to the reason why I have chosen this topic to address:
We may have that one friend (maybe more) who holds a resentment for you OR who you hold a resentment against. It may have been in how he/she looked at you, talked to you, berated you, dumped you, tricked you, betrayed you and may be left you for dead. (feel free to switch the he/she for you & vice versa)

What we find is that the offended party consciously tries to keep the offender around for long enough to design a sumptuous table in the presence of him/her, only for them to get frustrated when it is taking longer for the table to get set.

What happens next? ... Find out more about Forgiveness tomorrow, ruminate on the above and let me put the icing on this forgiveness cake tomorrow

Love you,

Sunday, 9 February 2014

ABUJA & LAGOS: Find any service you need plus get an event planner at an affordable price

There is a new place in town where you can get any service you need just by dialing a number. This team also boasts of being able to plan any event and beat the imagination of any client.

you can contact for whatever service you need from someone to do your shopping to a tutor for your kids. Just name it, call 08060593947

For your events visit the team at 

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

TO GO or NOT TO GO: Local or International

Hello All,

As you have already guessed, the picture above has almost nothing to do with the discussion of today but I had two intentions, I was itching to show off this beautiful picture and I could try to liken it to receiving blessings for the final decision made to depart or remain in your country of birth, which is actual related to our topic.

Make no mistake about it, this is an inspiration blog and inspire you is what I intend to achieve today. I want to inspire you to make the best of decisions.

Sunday, 26 January 2014

LAMENTATIONS... and NO, it is not a book from the bible!

Hello all,

Good morning handsome/beautiful... How was your night?

I titled today's blog post lamentations because there are a few grumbles in this post but it is a good read and is entirely true. read on sweetheart.

Journal of 10/01 at 10:30... My Journey to Nigeria
As i walked down to B33 (the check in area) two things amazed me:-
1. How everyone (Nigerians) managed to have 2 big hand luggage
2. How come on almost all flight trips to and from Nigeria, the plan is always full or almost full

Soon an announcement was made for those who had two bags as hand luggage to bring one bag to be checked in free of charge. As I made my way to the line, some of my countrymen acted as if it was a crime to wait turns and stand in line 'patiently'. of course, I was no exception I had two hand luggage but mehn, they were small in comparison to some other and I was returning from almost 2 years away... (you need to see the shock on my face when one man with the really big, heavy checked in luggage was asked how long he'd been away and he said 2 weeks... custom in naija held him for proper check o, hahahaha)

No sooner had we queued did someone try to jump the line, someone else complained of back pain which made it impossible to wait in queue but he had carried 2 big hand luggage from wherever... Omo, the Oyibo lady there don't play! she quickly asked him how he carried the 2 big bags with it and he had to wait in line.

As I boarded, the rowdiness was beyond belief...As I wondered why our people had a natural tendency for gragra-ism, One woman behind me began to give unsolicited advice to another guy some seats away. A baby seated not too far away made very un-intelligent noises and cried for most part of the journey.

since I have international readership let me tell the meaning of some words:
- Oyibo means a caucasian
- Naija is a fun way to refer to Nigeria
-Omo is an exclamation
- gragra-ism is a reference to roughness and not being gentle

I will see you again tomorrow and this time, I mean it *kisses and hugs*

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Unfriendly friends: Grand finale

 Hello Friends,
Welcome to todays post and the grand finale of unfriendly friend. We will concentrate on  how to avoid such friends.

I have earlier mentioned that these set of people cannot be totally done away with. They prove to us that the world is like a circus with all sorts.

How to avoid unfriendly friends?
There is no hard and fast rule to avoiding them but some of this advice will help

Monday, 13 January 2014

UNFRIENDLY friends Part2

It is a pleasure to be here once again, I am currently in Nigeria but let me talk about unfriendly friends before I whine a little bit about some things tomorrow (you have to promise not to laugh though).

Thank you to all of you who have commented and constantly followed this blog and stay with me all the time.

'UNFRIENDLY friends'... Why are people oblivious to some of these set of people around them? Why do people get hurt when unfriendly friends act out their true self?

How do you identify unfriendly friends?
There is no one definition that captures all the manifestations of unfriendly characters in friends. We are also not looking also for friends who cannot do us wrong or have never put a foot wrong.

A major way to avoid treating unfriendly friends as friends and friends like unfriendly friends is to test them all. A friend of mine always says 'If anything anybody is too good to be true, they probably are'.

Look out for how they treat their other friends, if they always love to talk about other people in a derogatory way... RUN FAR! or at least limit what they see and hear from you. Trust me, you cannot be the only one they don't talk about.

Unfriendly friends do not have anything to be thankful for in their lives, they love a pity party and love you to comfort them with a worse experience of your own, If you do not suffer in a similar way, then they get mad.
When you throw in a bomb of good news or event, watch the first expression and first sentence they say unconsciously.

Do not ignore the little warnings life give us, life will present us with a little expose... there are times you have mistakenly walked in on a 'friend' gossip or back bite... My typical reaction will be to save the supposed friend's face by putting on my earpiece before I am seen and making a little noise so they feel they noticed me first... (ha-ha... kind of devious but yes, I hate confrontation except when necessary) but when such occurrence repeats itself then heed life's warning because a friend is always bold enough to call you to order and if you have some as mean as some of my friend's Blessing and Nma... They do it mercilessly with a straight face or a laugh.

Enough for today, tomorrow or next; I will let you know what to do with UNFRIENDLY friends.
For now, special thanks to all who made my stay in Bristol fun... I love you all.

Thursday, 9 January 2014


Hello everyone,

I have been AWOL for a few days now. It is worth mentioning that in that time I added another degree to my basket and I am now a finance guru. Thank you for your patience during that period.

The topic for today cannot be exhausted in one day so I will begin to tell you about these set of people you should be knowledgeable about (especially if you want to be successful without any major distractions/ challenges.)

Who is a friend?
The simplest definition I could find from 'the free' says someone who is known, liked and trusted.
If a person is unknown, not liked or not trusted, that person cannot be a friend.

The above means that what makes the subject of our discourse particularly 'a problem' is that they are friends (i.e known, liked and trusted).

Who are unfriendly friends?
These are people who do not deserve to be known, liked or trusted by another but by the orchestration of their selfish desires and needs they have worked their way into the hearts of unsuspecting fellows. These types do more harm than good and are good at pretending they are friends until they have wrecked their havoc.

Why is our chat important?
There is an inverse relationship between your goal (where you want to be) and unfriendly friends and taking the time to identify them and handle them is very important (I did not say get rid of them because you cant).

At this point I will ask you to stay with me for the next one or two days for us to find out how to navigate through unfriendly friends and not get badly bruised... till tomorrow, remember I love you all and you can always 'holla' at

Love you,