Saturday, 21 December 2013

How Birthdays And Virginity is Celebrated

Have you ever bothered to find out how other cultures and nations celebrate birthdays and do you wonder why or how virginity is celebrated in Africa?

Welcome to today's post titled Birthdays and Virginity Celebration. We are going right back to our success series on monday but it is weekend and I promised to do a special today.
I do not want to overload this page so read about birthday celebrations around the world (Here and Here and HERE).
What has picked my interest is this story about a man who got married to a 28 year old lady, she was a virgin so he had a party in her honour and to thank the parents for raising such a 'good' girl. The researcher in me went to work to research on cultures and materials that lend their voice to this and here is what I found...
 The 16th/18th/21th year birthday parties that are celebrated quite lavishly (depending on the country or society) started up as a rite of passage, presenting young girls as marriageable and members of society (read more HERE ).

I do not know at what point it changed but it soon became a celebration of 'good' children coming of age. In America you are legally recognised and allowed to publicly have a boyfriend, drive a car et al.

In Africa, there is no such celebrations of a child coming of age although some families have borrowed western culture and now hold lavish celebrations for their children. The celebrations for a 'good girl' are expected of the husband when he marries her. A good girl in africa is seen as a girl who keeps her virginity or rather 'has blood stains on her bed on the wedding night'... (this journal presents proof from Mombasa; GO HERE )

Some writers argue vehemently that science has shown that not all virgins have the blood evidence as their hymen may have been lost through other vigorous activities. (my mind does a 'hand on the head' sign- What about those young girls in the 18th century/traditional era who were virgins but were returned to their parents as used goods because the blood didnt show up on the wedding bed? I feel for them because they would have been beyond confused.). Others argue that it is wrong to place value/worth on a lady because of a hymen. This writer here makes sense also CLICK HERE as he gives another side to the story.

In a typical Pearl summary,
Virginity is good, young girls keep your virginity and husbands do celebrate your wife if she is a virgin and more so if she is good
WE MUST ALSO REALISE THAT VIRGINITY IS NOT ALL OF IT, it gives your husband a good impression of you, makes your creator happy but young man/woman; you have to give your partner more than just blood.

I hope you enjoyed this one. I will be back on monday.
Love you,

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