Friday, 13 December 2013

What Do Successful People?


Today we are going to start up a series which will run for a while because this topic is very wide. We will be looking at what successful people do.

First of all disabuse your mind that success may be far from you or that success is you coming second to that particular lady or gentleman who always seems to get it right or come first.

If you have done that, it means we have an understanding that success has no preferences and you too can be successful beyond your imagination. Let us look at what successful people do that we can learn from and become successful ourselves.

Before you ask me why it is important to learn to do what successful people do, let me answer that. An actress gets a script learns her character well and by acting the part she becomes to you what she has read for as long as he/she acts the part. Let me get right to it, What is it that successful people do?

1. They are goal conscious and not time conscious only.
We have yesterday talked about planning ahead and brushed by the issue of being time conscious by way of planning ahead but there are those who are so time conscious that it makes them unsuccessful.

Are you surprised? These set of people at work will rather leave an urgent and important assignment that they are in the middle of to go home at 5pm because it is the stated time of closing OR mark how hardworking they are by the number of hours they spend but successful people are goal oriented, they judge time by what has been achieved and not how much time has been spent.

How can you imbibe this?
Are you a student? Set out how many chapters can be covered before you set out to read and try to achieve it
Are you a worker? Set out what you should have achieved at work for the day
This one way successful people play.

Have a good day

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