Monday, 16 December 2013

Part 3: What Do Successful People Do?


Welcome to part 3 of the series. Over the past 2 days we have talked about what succesful people do and have understood that success is not a selective lady she accepts just whoever is man enough to make the little changes in their life to accomodate her.

Here is one other thing successful people do: successful people stay motivated, if they haven't won then they haven't finished. They fight with discouragement and failure until they have worn it down & it gives way to them. Let me explain better...

A story will help, There was a man who decided to be an enterpreneur. he promised himself he will be successful and started with selling spare parts for motor bikes and after 3 months he had made losses straight and changed his line of business. He sold his business and started a barbing salon for high end users but after 3 months his electric and fuel bills drove him out of business. He was in business 3 when I stopped counting...

What do you think is wrong here?
Preparedness and Planning is one but something else that was wrong is the ease with which he got discouraged and concluded the business had failed.

How can you beat these discouragement and little failures?
1. WRITE down clearly at the beginning what you are thinking; what are your reasons for taking your decision to go into a venture, what do you intend to achieve? How can you get there? Why start?
2. Find out if what you intend to do is do-able
3. Realise there is no winning without losing first and some initial costs are the costs of learning
4. Surround yourself with people who have done that or can inspire you to do that, never stay with those who constantly tell you it is good but impossible
5. The ball is in your court and you never know if you stopped just before you hit gold.

Thank you for staying tuned, I should be back tomorrow with a new one... expect it
Success is sweeter together so do share with your friends and family.

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