Thursday, 26 December 2013

Saturday, 21 December 2013

How Birthdays And Virginity is Celebrated

Have you ever bothered to find out how other cultures and nations celebrate birthdays and do you wonder why or how virginity is celebrated in Africa?

Welcome to today's post titled Birthdays and Virginity Celebration. We are going right back to our success series on monday but it is weekend and I promised to do a special today.
I do not want to overload this page so read about birthday celebrations around the world (Here and Here and HERE).
What has picked my interest is this story about a man who got married to a 28 year old lady, she was a virgin so he had a party in her honour and to thank the parents for raising such a 'good' girl. The researcher in me went to work to research on cultures and materials that lend their voice to this and here is what I found...

Friday, 20 December 2013

Part 4: What Do Successful People Do

How was your week so far? I am sorry, was unwell so I didnt post yesterday.

Today we continue our success series, What do successful people do?... Successful people have a belief. I know some people are going to say 'but there are atheists' and they do well. Let me explain...

Monday, 16 December 2013

Part 3: What Do Successful People Do?


Welcome to part 3 of the series. Over the past 2 days we have talked about what succesful people do and have understood that success is not a selective lady she accepts just whoever is man enough to make the little changes in their life to accomodate her.

Here is one other thing successful people do: successful people stay motivated, if they haven't won then they haven't finished. They fight with discouragement and failure until they have worn it down & it gives way to them. Let me explain better...

Sunday, 15 December 2013

PART 2: What Do Successful People Do?


Welcome to today's inspirational piece. If you have enjoyed it thus far, it is time for you to begin forwarding and broadcasting it as a daily gift to our friends and enemies alike. Let us inspire as many people as we can together.

Now to the Part 2 of the topic started on the last post, What do successful people do?
I learnt this one not too long ago and trust me, it has helped me become a more successful and productive person.

Successful people do not go on 'long' vacations or take 'long' breaks. Not even for a recent achievement as a matter of fact, successful people PLAY WITH WORK. Let me explain this one to you,

Friday, 13 December 2013

What Do Successful People?


Today we are going to start up a series which will run for a while because this topic is very wide. We will be looking at what successful people do.

First of all disabuse your mind that success may be far from you or that success is you coming second to that particular lady or gentleman who always seems to get it right or come first.

If you have done that, it means we have an understanding that success has no preferences and you too can be successful beyond your imagination. Let us look at what successful people do that we can learn from and become successful ourselves.

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Plan Ahead


As the picture says, plan ahead. There is no way a task can be completed without some form of planning, a popular saying is 'He who fails to plan, plans to fail'.

Do you want to be successful? Do you want to be debt free? Do you want to .....?
Wanting it is one step and planning is much more important. Some of us are not used to planning, we live our lives expecting time and chance to work out all things in the end.

If we believe that he who does not work should not eat then we agree that in order to eat, we must plan to eat. The problem with waiting for all things to work out in the end is that it only works out in the end. Those who have planned ahead and executed their plans have things work out for them from the beginning to the end. They move from one job to the next, from one success to the next, from one financial level to the next.

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

The Power Of A Smile

The message for today is all about a smile.

I remember the times when as a radio presenter with 5 other guys in the studio early in our working together experience, we usually used to have arguements within the 3 minutes a song was playing on air. As soon as the song ended and the mics were switched on, we had to function like nothing happened else it would come accross to our listeners.

While some presenters were horrible at this, I (a few of us actually) was okay with getting my happy vibe on even though I just came from a minor disagreement. My key was to talk with a smile on my face and it was only when we had sorted things out after the show that we would listen back and be like, OMW- No one would believe what was going down few minutes before this happily voiced part.

Monday, 9 December 2013

Go For It

Is there something you want to achieve? is there something people around you have told you is good but too good for you? As this picture says, good things happen when you go for it.

There is nothing that is above you, there should only be things beneath you. Things you wouldnt stoop low to do but once what you intend to do is not wrong, my dear, do yourself the favour of going for it. At best you convert those who had little faith in you and at its worst, you have learned a useful lesson.

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Make your marriage work

I saw this on a friend's facebook wall and the last line gave me joy because it meant I could share her great stuff with you all... She says:

The rate at which marriages collapse now is assuming a social status symbol in our society. 

In no-time, people will be throwing divorce parties and invite friends and well-wishers to celebrate their divorce anniversaries; they will choose aso-ebi, hire a hall and popular musicians & what have you. A question like "So when are u getting divorced?" will become common. 

If you know you can not handle the weight and pressures of marriage, please remain single. If you do not know what marriage is all about, please remain single until you do. If you are getting married because of the things you desire or hope to gain from the other person please remain single. If you know you can not be faithful, remain single. If u can not endure insults from one another, please remain single. If u can not forgive one another's wrongs, please remain single. If u can not place ur spouse above every other human being, pls remain single! 

Don't get married out of desperation. "All my friends are getting married" is the most foolish reason to get married. If u desire a successful home but ur choice of friends are forces not to reckon with, think again.

 Be very mindful of where you go for advice, Many would give advice, but not many mean well!  

If you know you can not put your wife ahead of your ego, please remain single till you are mature. your wife is your priority and EVERYTHING else including you, comes last. You are the teacher, the guide, the bodyguard, the role model - you are not a deity or God. So do not expect to b worshiped. You need respect, earn it by being responsible!

 Ladies, if you know you can not be submissive please do not go into marriage so you are not turned into a punching bag! If you know you can't stand being corrected, please remain single. Mr/Mrs I know it all!!! Ladies check your domestic scorecard - if your score is 0, pls stay in your parents' house! People, please make your marriages work. 

Read carefully and share it with others. It does not matter if you are Married or Not. Marry for love, marry your friend. Put God first. :-)

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Ah Ah Agidigba... It is Tim Godfrey again o

I thought to share this one by Tim Godfrey because this time last year ( + or -  2months) it was bursting my brains... Is it just me or does the Ah ah agidigba make some people keep hitting replay?

Saturday, 14 September 2013

After the fall...

The message for today is never give up... The video above shows that it is possible to stand up after you fall, not just stand up but make it big time.
Have you fallen? Have you failed at anything? Is there a task that seems challenging or a place where you are not hitting the mark? ... That makes you the perfect candidate for success, When people who have always been succeding succeed there is no news (dont get me wrong, It is better to be consistent with success). When someone who has not been so successful becomes successful he inspires a lot more people.

What are you waiting for? Get up and fight one more time... you'l achieve success.

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Friday, 6 September 2013

If you are any good, then be CONFIDENT

When I saw this, he immediately stole my heart and won my time as I had to know more about this young lad. it also brought to mind an important lesson which will be what you should take with you today.

Be confident!. You dont have to know it all before you have some confidence. Matter of factly, No one knows it all. We all make mistakes but the few times you are right, looking wrong is the last thing you want, so do yourself a favour; determine to be confident.

Google says self confidence is assurance: freedom from doubt; belief in yourself and your abilities

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Olivia Munn: There is no box... Dont restrain yourself

Each day that I have to be in school early is both a blessing and a rush because I have to ensure I don’t miss the bus and I also have the opportunity to pick up 'metro', the newspaper that tells me whats going on and has my favourite sudoku.
Let me now tell you what this is all about; It is about Olivia Munn who is featured on September 2, 2013 Metro life&style .

see more after the cut >>>

Monday, 2 September 2013

Laugh... you know U wanna

I know it is always good to laugh. Matter of fact-ly, it is good to laugh periodically so click the link below for your dose of fun this afternoon
The end where the guy does 'te ne nen nen en' is funny.

Note: It may help to log into facebook first before clicking :-)

Couple singing at a gas pump stand *funny*

Friday, 30 August 2013

What to do when you fail


Neither condemn yourself nor your examiners

Realise that there was a problem or some problems

Find out what the problems were

Never underestimate any angle or feeling… if you feel it is mental, see a doctor; If spiritual, begin to pray and consult your pastor

Invent new ways of doing things: Do not do things the way you have done it before. It is only a mad man that does the same things and expects a different result

Plan by the minutes: your long term goal is to succed, break that down into short term achieveable goals and tasks.

Be confident in yourself even if it is your 6th attempt, nothing is worse than a self defeatist attitude.

When you do these, go ahead send me a mail to thank me because it always works. 

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Overcoming your limitations and being a success

Today’s story is about a blind and disabled biker. His name is Stuart Gunn and he is blind (oops, I already said that) and he has broken the record at 167mph on a bike making him the world’s fastest blind and disabled biker.

How was this even possible? His father Geoff rides alongside him and uses an intercom system to tell him if he is drifting off course. Make no mistake about this; Stuart is no new comer to accidents. 11 years ago he had an accident that broke his back in 2 places, shattered his ribs and shoulder plus he was paralysed in the right side of his body but he fought to regain control of his right arm and eventually was able to climb his bike.

He says “I hope this proves to people that just because you are blind or have a disability doesn’t mean it should change or limit your life”

I am not advocating trying something that dangerous but take lessons from this, life is not always fair and will not always present us with equal opportunities as other people but what you make of the little you have is what matters and not how many times you put yourself down and limit yourself or compare yourself pitifully with the next man.
(story from Metro August 2013 & pic from

Dont feed yourself trash- Joel Osteen

This one is really good. It is good for everyone who wants to become bigger and if you enjoy this one so much, go ahead and look out for Joel Osteen on youtube and yes, you are welcome in advance. :-)

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Nosa Omoregie for a cool evening : Pray for you

This song is definitely a good one, video or no video... I remember the first time I heard this song, I was taken by the rendition then I heard 'I go pray' and 'higher higher'... This guy is a good thing and Gospel artistes should pray that this 'Don moen' of our time (I still wonder what inspires him) does not change his mind from doing good music.
So enjoy, it is Nosa with 'Pray for you'  :-)

Monday, 12 August 2013

Just before I give the last key for success

I happened to see this on a friend's facebook wall and thought to share.
it might seem an epistle but it is worth the read.

Status Update
By David Mikus
Obviously, I’m not a relationship expert. But there’s something about my divorce being finalized this week that gives me perspective of things I wish I would have done different… After losing a woman that I loved, and a marriage of almost 37 years, here’s the advice I wish I would have had

Thursday, 8 August 2013

DEAFNESS: The second key to success

In the land of animals at a time when the lion was king and the animals could talk, it was a time humans hunted by digging very deep holes and covering them with leaves waiting for animals to show up. There was a day when two good friends Mr Antelope and Mr Hare fell into one of such pits in the boundary between the abode of the humans and the animals.
The antelope and hare realizing they had fallen into a trap which may well mean the end of life decided to do all in their power to get out of the trap. They cried out and called out to other animals and asked for help. Sure enough, the animals all gathered round but could do nothing for the pit/trap was so deep and no one would risk falling in themselves.

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

The 3 Keys to success... A must read/watch!!!

The Keys to Success Part 1:


A little bird was flying south for the winter and it was so cold that the bird froze and fell to the ground into a large field. While he was lying there, a cow came by and dropped some dung on him. As the frozen bird lay there in the pile of cow dung, he began to realize how warm he was. The dung was actually thawing him out. He lay there all warm and happy and soon began to sing for joy. A passing cat heard the bird singing and came to investigate. Following the sound the cat discovered the bird under the pile of cow dung and promptly dug him out and ate him.

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Radio show podcast featuring the Hare and the Tortoise

I could not make it for the show last week Saturday but Dipo did us proud.
We are Ujima 9ja mix show and there are 6 presenters ( Myself inclusive :-)) here is the podcast for 8th of August 2013. It features the story of the Hare and Tortoise. ENJOY.


Here's the story you already know:

Once upon a time a tortoise and a hare had an argument about who was faster. They decided to settle the argument with a race. They agreed on a route and started off the race.

The hare shot ahead and ran briskly for some time. Then seeing that he was far ahead of the tortoise, he thought he'd sit under a tree for some time and relax before continuing the race. He sat under the tree and soon fell asleep. 

The tortoise, plodding on, overtook him and soon finished the race, emerging as the undisputed champ. The hare woke up and realized that he'd lost the race.


But recently, someone told me a more interesting version of this story. It continues:

Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Judging a fish by its ability to climb a tree?

I like perfumes. yes, the classy chic ones; The type that speaks femininity, softness, good taste and class... The last time I bought a bottle of perfume was almost 5 years ago and I remember I was in a hurry but I spent almost one hour there and still ended up with close to trash (it had to do with the 'kiosk' i was in at the time), ever since then I have had bottles as gifts so I do not bother buying one... The reason of this story is the lesson I learned today.

I entered a reading room and I was greeted by the exact scents I like,yes, the ones that make me love being a woman. Seated before me were two lovely ladies as I walked past each one I wanted to stay in their sphere for a minute longer.
No sooner had I sat down did I begin to think about me and how I 'smelled', Whether or not my spray (I had used just a spray this morning) was equally creating such atmosphere. I concluded maybe not and was wondering if it was proper to lean over and ask one of them for the name of her body spray, perfume, cologne etc...

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Welcome & Enjoy, Samsong ft Chioma

Welcome to this inspirational Blog. It is here to serve the purpose of Inspiration, Encouragement and Entertainment. Most people would love to have fun but maybe not in the usual way everyone does it, maybe not by attending shows and watching movies although there is nothing wrong with that. They seek something better, something uplifting or encouraging.

Some people are looking for a place where they turn to and do not feel judged, overweight or feel like failures, some of us do not want the feeling of guilt after we have enjoyed ourselves. This blog is for those who seek a certain quality in entertainment.

The overall purpose of this blog is to make you a better you so I welcome you on-board as we take this journey to being the best you.