Tuesday, 23 August 2016



This is the seventh post on the how to succeed as a woman series and we are almost at touch down. If you have missed the previous posts from lastweek, go HEREHEREHEREHERE and HERE.

NO! I did not suggest a massage. Please read below to know more about the topic.
As you aim to succeed, it means you may not have idle time especially at the onset when you set out to achieving. Personally, I think success is not an idle man's friend so you may never really have idle time, you may find you need to consciously create the time to rest or do anything.

Seeing that you are going to get very busy

learning, planning, doing, why not think of the best way to relieve stress ahead of time so you do not lose time to stress.

It is important to plan consciously creating time rest but every now and then, there is the tendency to schedule work and lose track of time and soon we are burnt out and stressed.

How do you relieve stress? It is important to know the things that take stress off you. For some people it is a massage, for others, it is a holiday. For me, it is all of these and more but since I do not have the luxury of taking holidays frequently, I have found my lowest cost stress relief method.

My method goes back to studying, I had times when I was beyond stressed. I remember walking down the rows of products at Sainsbury, Morrison et al. They were close to my house in Fishponds and immediately feeling better. I also do the same in Nigeria here.

I have also found that taking walks help also but I favour walking round supermarkets, malls and shopping centers because for that time, my focus is on the beautiful row of products before me which means NO TIME FOR THINKING ABOUT WORK.

I encourage you to find your low cost stress relief before you get stressed. you cannot afford long, frequent breaks to 'clear your head' when you are focused on succeeding and retirement is still far away.

Enough said! Find your low cost stress relief method if being efficient and successful is important to you.

Do not be selfish about these strategies, share accross your social media platforms and subscribe to my blog posts. Please leave your comments below also, Thank you.

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