Tuesday, 30 August 2016



Wealth creation is the deliberate multiplication of your resources. In most cases wealth creation benefits beyond the creator of wealth, the community and the economy are beneficiaries of wealth creation also.

The first thing to do when trying to create wealth is to work on your mind-set. You must have your mind capable of holding the picture of your goals while you work towards them.

Understand that wealth is not necessarily equal to money or funds even though most people relate wealth with money. According to lifeoptimizer, there are 3 components of wealth which are relationships (Family), health (Fitness) and choice (Freedom). It says that a person can have so much money but also have constant fights with family (find the cure to constant family fights HERE), suffer from exhaustion and have to be at a job he hates, this cannot be classified as wealth.

The fact that you may have debt or a bad financial record IN THE PAST does not mean you cannot turn around your fortunes tremendously. You only need to take a few corrective actions which I will write about in detail in the next 9 posts.

Do not attempt to create wealth by searching for wealth, the fastest way to create wealth is by meeting needs and more often, it will also involve leaving your comfort zone.

Realise that no 9 – 5 job as a stand-alone can create wealth for you. While working a 9 – 5 job, you are effectively helping another create wealth.

Do not be so much in a hurry to create wealth that you forget that wealth creation is a process not an instantaneous portion. Give yourself the time needed for your attempt at wealth creation to succeed. Your efforts directed towards wealth creation needs to be deliberate and consistent, do not tire out easily or fall into the trap of comparing yourself with those who had started off before you.

Put in place a system of accountability for periodic appraisal and review.

Except you have a ‘disability’ which prevents you from focusing on one activity in wealth creation, do not spread yourself thin. Gain the mastery of your chosen area and when you have created systems that run independently, feel free to venture out.

There is more to come, meanwhile can I ask that you please share across your social media platforms and leave me a comment below. Thank you


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Spreading oneself thin is not the key to retaining your financial strength. We must not jump into all investment outlets
